We are the Plunk Foundation.
We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, driven by visionaries who believe everyone deserves to feel safe and secure in the digital world, starting with families and survivors.
In 2025, we’re committed to protecting 80 million people worldwide, because privacy isn’t just a right, it’s a foundation for a future we can all trust.

In Alignment with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals:

2024 Statistics: The Risk to You and Those You Love
There are more than
child victims of online sexual abuse globally
300 million
University of New South Wales
people are sex trafficked a day by online means
Washington University
of sex trafficked victims are children
The Human Trafficking Front
of abuse victims continue to be stalked or abused online
Ofcom Media Report 2022
Half of American Families would have less than
or go bankrupt if they experienced a data breach
United States Federal Reserve
children’s sensitive information was exposed in 2022 [1]
Javelin Strategy
References 1. University of New South Wales. More than 300 million child victims of online sexual abuse globally: report. UNSW Newsroom. https://www.unsw.edu.au/newsroom/news/2024/05/more-than-300-million-child-victims-of-online-sexual-abuse-globally-report 2. Human Trafficking Front. Online Recruitment of Children for Sex Trafficking. https://humantraffickingfront.org/online-recruitment-of-children-for-sex-trafficking/ 3. Javelin Strategy & Research. Child Identity Fraud: The Perils of Too Many Screens and Social Media. Published 2023. https://javelinstrategy.com/whitepapers/child-identity-fraud-perils-too-many-screens-and-social-media 5. Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. Survey of Consumer Finances (SCF). Updated September 27, 2023. https://www.federalreserve.gov/econres/scfindex.htm 6.Buccafusco C, Fagundes D. The Moral Psychology of Copyright Infringement. Washington University Law Review. 2017;94(6):1283-1360. Accessed November 4, 2024. https://openscholarship.wustl.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=6265&context=law_lawreview
Empowering 80 Million Lives through the Plunk Portal